Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best Christmas Present

I have more Christmas stuff to post, and I'll get to it, but favorite Christmas present.
When my husband bought me my diamond engagement ring about 7-1/2 years ago, he made a deal with me that I could have the diamond (he's got pretty strong moral objections to diamonds) if he never had to buy me any more jewelry again.  I respected his opinions but perhaps somewhat shallowly had my heart set on a traditional diamond wedding ring.  Otherwise, I'm not a huge jewelry fan - you won't find me pining away inside of Tiffany's - so I said fine to the deal.  That was alright with me.  And it actually has been fine with me.  I have a couple of necklaces that I wear occasionally and about two pairs of earings that I wear maybe four or five times a year each so it's not that big of a deal.
Well.  My dear husband totally surprised me this Christmas with the coolest necklace I've ever seen.  I love it.  He said he was nervous buying it because he wasn't sure I'd actually like it - it is, after all, a little silly.  I think it's great.  When my mom saw it, she said "oh, he knows you so well!" and agreed that it is SO me. 
Yep.  It's a sterling silver LEGO.  And it's a perfect lego too - it must have been created using a mold from a real, authentic LEGO.  This is just one of the many benefits of living in a quirky little neighborhood like ours with lots of interesting shops.  My husband loves to bring me gifts from these stores that I rarely go into.  I always assume what I'm going to find in them is not a necessity, and I probably can't afford it.  He looks at it completely differently, going in with an open mind.  He really doesn't enjoy buying gifts but I have many times been intrigued with what he has come home with and I like seeing myself through the lens of his gifts.  It makes me feel unique and special.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great gift!!!! I got a GPS holder. I'm working with Ben on trying to get him to be a better gift giver- maybe I should have him call Jason to get some tips!!! I have a feeling you will love that necklace for years to come!
