Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bulk Postcard Valentines

I know that store-bought Valentines are cheap and easy and kids don't really care, but I view Valentine's Day (at least while my kids are young and in smallish preschool classes) as another holiday to flex those creative muscles.  And really, as a stay-at-home Mom, I need projects to keep me somewhat sane and thinking my kids are cute.  So, I decided to do a little photo-valentine project this year.  Last year, I embarked upon a pretty time-intensive valentine idea.  This year I wanted something WAY easier.  I found the idea for the train-heart on pinterest (of course) except that the original idea was to use matchbox cars.  My kid loves trains so voila.  Trains it was.  This was an easy set-up.  I laid this big red velour throw on the floor, arranged the trains and then made him pose and smile and promised him a treat if he stayed still and cooperated.  The whole thing was quick, even when factoring in photo editing and adding text.  I then discovered I had one heck of a deal through vistaprint.com.  100 free postcards.  I just had to pay shipping.  I didn't really need 100 valentines but I couldn't beat the price.  I was thrilled when they arrived - so thrilled that I decided my younger cherub needed to send a few valentines as well.  No awesome deals to be had, so his were printed through Costco and the 20 I ordered for him probably cost the same as the previous 100. 
Taking his photo was a lot more complicated.  I had to do a few different photo shoots and he was not very cooperative.  I was trying to get one of him wearing just one of his daddy's ties and jeans, but he HATED the tie.  Then I tried to get him to kiss a teddy bear.  This turned into 2-yr-old mayhem.  Playing the guitar maybe?  No, because one can't possibly sit or stand still while strumming.  The shot I used was purely serendipitous.  I've decided most good child-photography is pure serendipity.
Here are the finished products:

1 comment:

  1. That is SUPER cute, but I insist on going the easy route:)
